Contribution Guide

Avoid Bad Practices

Avoid missing error-handling

❌ Bad

try {
  const resp = await submitForm(values);
} catch (err) {

✅ Good

try {
  const resp = await submitForm(values);
} catch (err) {
  notification.error({message: `failed to submitForm: ${err}`});

Avoid callback hell (= spaghetti code + unpredictable error handling)

❌ Bad

function submitForm(values, cb) {
  validateForm(values, (err) => {
    if (err) {
      return cb(err, null);

    makeRequest(values, (err, resp) => {
      if (err) {
        return cb(err, null);

      makeAnotherRequest(resp, (err, anotherResp) => {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err, null);

        return cb(null, wrapResult(anotherResp));

✅ Good

const validateFormPromise = promisify(validateForm);
const makeRequestPromise = promisify(makeRequest);
const makeAnotherRequestPromise = promisify(makeAnotherRequest);

async function submitForm(values) {
  try {
    await validateFormPromise(values);
    const resp = await makeRequestPromise(values);
    const anotherResp = await makeAnotherRequestPromise(resp);
    return wrapResult(anotherResp);
  } catch (e) {
    throw e;

Always check responsiveness

Make sure it works on both mobile and desktop devices.

Prefer early exit over indentations

❌ Bad

function someFunction(someCondition) {
  if (someCondition) {
      // Do Something

✅ Good: Use early return

function someFunction(someCondition) {
  if (!someCondition) {
  // Do Something

Avoid super-long (>3) inheritance chain

Avoid circular dependency

Avoid complicated code

Avoid complicated tertiary operation

❌ Bad

const sampleComponent = () => {
  return isTrue ? <p>True!</p> : null

✅ Good: Use short-circuit evaluation

const sampleComponent = () => {
  return isTrue && <p>True!</p>

❌ Bad

// Y soo many ternary??? :-/
const sampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      {flag && flag2 && !flag3
        ? flag4
        ? <p>Blah</p>
        : flag5
        ? <p>Meh</p>
        : <p>Herp</p>
        : <p>Derp</p>

✅ Good: Move logic to sub-components

const sampleComponent = () => {
  return (
        (() => {
          if (flag && flag2 && !flag3) {
            if (flag4) {
              return <p>Blah</p>
            } else if (flag5) {
              return <p>Meh</p>
            } else {
              return <p>Herp</p>
          } else {
            return <p>Derp</p>

Avoid commenting out unused code

Avoid missing i18n

❌ Bad

<h1>My Awesome Project</h1>
<p>Create like a god. Command like a king. Work like a slave.</p>

✅ Good


avoid missing i18n RTL issues

❌ Bad

function Greeting({username}) {
  return (
    <h1>{t('home.hello')}, {username}!</h1>

// home.hello: Hello
// home.hello: 你好
// home.hello: שלום

✅ Good

function Greeting({username}) {
  return (
    <h1>{t('hello')}, {username}</h1>

// home.hello: Hello, ${username}!
// home.hello: 你好, ${username}!
// home.hello: !${username}, שלום

Prefer CSS-IN-JS over global CSS styles unless they are truly global.

Local JS styles have better “deleteability”.

❌ Bad

.header-col {
  text-align: right !important;
  word-break: normal !important;
  color: #73fbe0 !important;
  width: 20%;

✅ Good

import { styled } from "onefx/lib/styletron-react";
const Td = styled("div", {
  "textAlign":"right !important",
  "wordBreak":"normal !important",
  "color":"#73fbe0 !important",

DRY: don’t repeat yourself

Avoid simple copy-and-paste. Prefer using libraries directly understanding the code and remove unused places.

Avoid unreasonable comments. Update or remove confusing comments.

Use Consistent Project Structure

1. Use index.js for exporting the main component.

The index.js should always export the main component. This file should also be the main entry in the package.json.

2. Use lowercase kebab-case filenames

❌ Bad


✅ Good


3. Prefer named exports over default exports

❌ Bad

export default function() {}

✅ Good

// exports a function declared earlier
export { myFunction };
// exports a constant
export const foo = "bar";

Effective refactoring

adopt semantic version

never introduce breaking change to non-major versions

two-legged change

Avoid Bikeshedding

Let styles be consistent. Let linters lint.

Prefer px over pt, rem.

Use px.

  • Avoid using pt.
  • Avoid using rem. In most cases, users want to see more contents instead of larger fonts with larger screens.

UX Design Principles

  • Empathy / Perspective-taking is the most important.
  • Keep elements consistent.
  • Insist on the Highest Standards.
  • Detail-oriented
    • Check i18n.
    • Check accessibility.
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Built with in San Francisco
built with onefx